6 Tips for Overcoming the Fear of Rejection in Your Job Search

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Rejection is a natural part of life. We experience rejection every day, in many different forms. Whether it’s someone turning down your invitation to hang out, not getting the job you interviewed for, or being ignored on social media, rejection is an inevitable part of life.

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When you’re searching for a job, you can’t expect every single interview or application to end in success. Just like any other goal, there will be setbacks along the way. If you keep expecting each opportunity to go your way, your fear of rejection is only going to get worse and prevent you from taking action towards achieving your goals!

Don't Take Rejection Personally

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In order to overcome the fear of rejection and achieve success in life, it’s important that you treat yourself with compassion and kindness. The fear of rejection is often rooted in a sense of self-doubt, which can make the whole job search process seem intimidating and overwhelming. Instead of beating yourself up for not getting the results you want, try to take a more positive approach.

Practice Self-Compassion

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Fear is often associated with uncertainty – and those feelings are magnified when we’re dealing with rejection. Every day, our minds generate billions of thoughts that we aren’t even aware of at first. One of these thoughts might be, “What will they think if I say this?” or “What will they do if I ask them that?” When you’re dealing with rejection, try to challenge those thoughts by replacing them with a more positive, constructive mindset.

Create A More Positive Mindset

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When you’re facing challenging situations alone, such as rejection in your job search efforts, it can be helpful to reach out for help from others. Whether that means talking to family members and friends about what you’re feeling or seeking advice from professional career counselors, surrounding yourself with compassion and motivation can help you push through the fear of rejection.

Find Support

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Rejection often stems from fear – and that’s because we’re afraid to take risks in life. Whether it’s a job search or something else, people are more likely to succeed if they’re willing to take a few risks here and there. So, don’t be afraid to reach out to new people or respond to engaging advertisements that catch your eye! The more actions you take towards achieving your goals, the higher your chances will be of overcoming the fear of rejection in your career path!

Take Massive Action

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Finally, one of the most important tips for overcoming rejection is having faith in yourself as a human being. No matter what you do, there will always be someone who doesn’t agree with your actions or ideas. When that happens, remind yourself that it’s not personal – and that the only opinion that really matters is yours! Trust in your own abilities and skills. If things don’t work out right away, keep trying until you get it right.

Believe In Yourself