City Personnel

7 Things to Avoid During Your Virtual Interview


Test your video

One of the biggest mistakes we see candidates make is not taking the time to familiarize themselves with the video conferencing platform being used, whether it’s Zoom, WebEx, or another platform. It’s important to ensure that your camera and audio are working properly before the interview begins.


Turn On your camera

It is crucial to have a functioning camera during your Zoom interview. Employers and recruiters opt for virtual interviews to put a face to the name. Without a working camera, the purpose of platforms like Zoom and WebEx becomes futile.


Use a Quiet Room

Have you ever experienced the challenge of attending an in-person interview and encountering distractions like barking dogs or crying babies in the background? Chances are, it’s not a common occurrence. That’s why it’s crucial to find a quiet space when participating in a virtual interview.


Dress professionally

Ensuring a professional appearance during virtual interviews may appear like a basic tip, but it’s surprising how many individuals disregard this aspect. We frequently encounter candidates who show up in casual attire, wear hats, or even conduct interviews from their beds.


Do not eat or drink

Consuming food or beverages during a Zoom interview is considered unprofessional and can be distracting for the employer. Keep in mind that the employer has set aside 30 minutes of their valuable time to connect with you, and they expect the same level of professionalism in return. 


Do Not Use Your Phone

It’s tempting to engage in text conversations on your phone while on a virtual interview since you can easily do it off-screen. However, if an employer notices that you are texting or constantly glancing at your phone, they may immediately eliminate you from consideration for the position.


be on time

It is essential to be punctual and prepared for your scheduled Zoom call. If your virtual interview is set for 2:00 pm, aim to be ready at least 5 minutes prior. Arriving late, such as at 2:05 pm, can reflect poorly on your work ethic and professionalism.