Academics vs. Experience: Which One Really Matters?

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City Personnel


However, education isn’t enough to get a job. Of the graduates who receive job offers after graduation, roughly 57.5% have had at least one internship, while 42.5% have had no internship experience.

Research has shown that people with higher levels of education tend to earn more money and have more career opportunities than those who only have a high school education. 

In today’s competitive economy, it can be challenging to land that dream job or career. However, those who possess valuable experience in their field are sure to have an edge over other applicants.  


In today’s competitive economy, it can be challenging to land that dream job or career. However, those who possess valuable experience in their field are sure to have an edge over other applicants.  

While some job seekers swear by their years of work experience, others contend that having the right education is crucial in landing high-paying jobs. However, for certain career paths, it is a combination of both that creates an ideal foundation for success. 


For instance, careers in medicine, science, and technology require a blend of experience and academic knowledge. 

Other jobs that value a combination of experience and academics include law, finance, and management. These positions require workers to have a solid grounding in academic theory but also need practical, on-the-job experience to excel. 


An attorney, for example, cannot just rely on what they learned in law school; they need to have a firm grasp of legal theories and practical skills, such as negotiating with clients and appearing in court. 

As you embark on your academic journey, it’s important to think about how you can leverage your background and experiences to achieve your goals. One strategy is to identify areas of overlap between your academic and extracurricular pursuits. 


For example, if you’re interested in pursuing a career in journalism, you might combine your writing skills with your experience working for a student newspaper. 

By understanding how to mix traditional educational backgrounds with real-world experience, job seekers can increase their chances of landing a great role that aligns with both personal and professional goals. 

Remember: nobody ever achieved success using only one method!