Fun Ways to Celebrate Easter at the Office

10 Behaviors That Damage Your Influence at Work

When you speak negatively about someone behind their back or take credit for their work, you are slashing at the fabric of trust and respect within your team. Actions like these breed hostility and can quickly erode your influence. 

1. Undermining Others

Refusing to take ownership of mistakes or deflecting blame can significantly diminish one’s perceived influence. Accountability is one of the cornerstones of trust and respect in any professional setting.

2. Lack Of Accountability

Information is power, and by hoarding it, you not only limit the effectiveness of your colleagues but also reveal a suspicion toward collaboration. This can lead to isolation and, eventually, a lack of influence.

3. Withholding Information

Every team member offers a unique perspective—when you dismiss these out of hand, you close off a valuable source of innovation and harmony. It suggests arrogance and can lead to dissension.

4. Dismissing The Opinions Of Others

While it’s natural to have emotional responses, allowing them to guide your professional interactions can be detrimental. Reactions driven by frustration, anger, or fear can lead to decisions and actions that are not well-received by the team.

5. Reacting Emotionally

This behavior stems from a lack of trust in one’s team members. It not only hampers an individual’s productivity but also signals a lack of confidence in your colleagues, which is toxic to team morale and dynamics.

6. Micromanagement

While constructive feedback is essential for growth, a pattern of excessive criticism can lead to a negative perspective of your influence. It can be demotivating and lead to a lack of respect from your peers.

7. Being Overly Critical

Communication forms the bedrock of any productive team. When you fail to keep others informed or do not articulate your expectations clearly, you create an environment of doubt and uncertainty, which is toxic for influence.

8. Lack Of Communication

To protect your influence, it’s crucial to manage expectations effectively. When you overpromise and underdeliver, you lose credibility and the influence that comes with being seen as reliable.

9. Overpromising

In the quest to bolster one’s own influence, it’s easy to forget the importance of recognizing the contributions of others. Failing to do so can make you appear self-centered and unappreciative, which damages team morale and your personal influence.

10. Not Recognizing Others