Strangest Ways People Have Left Their Jobs

One of the most viral instances of loud quitting happened with Marina Shifrin. She was an employee at a Taiwanese animation company, who quit her job by creating a dance video set to Kanye West’s “Gone.”

In the video, she danced around her empty office at 4:30 am, explaining via subtitles that she had sacrificed relationships, time, and energy for a job that only cared about quantity and how many views each video got. The video ended with her announcing, “I quit,” and it quickly went viral and amassed over 19 million views, bringing attention to her grievances about the digital media industry’s work culture.

Another widely publicized instance of loud quitting involved a group of employees from a Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurant in Pennsylvania. The entire staff walked out and left a sign on the door saying, “Ask our corporate offices why their employees are forced to work in borderline sweatshop conditions.” This public display brought widespread attention to their complaints about the working conditions at the chain.

In a more recent case, at least five employees at Goldman Sachs used a PowerPoint presentation to publicly resign, highlighting the 100-hour work weeks and intense pressure they were under. The presentation was shared widely on social media, sparking conversations about work-life balance and the high-pressure environment in finance and banking.

These examples of loud quitting all share a common theme: employees using their resignations as a public platform to highlight workplace issues in the hope of instigating change.