How to Plan for a Major Career Relocation

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City Personnel


If your employer moved out of state and wanted you to join them, would you? Well, don’t feel bad if you said no. According to a recent poll, 89% of employees said they would look for another job if theirs moved locations. However, if you are a part of the 11% that would move with their employer, you will need a plan before you relocate.


Impending moves are one of the most stressful aspects of a job shift. It can be hard to know how and when to begin preparing, especially if you are moving for the first time. Your family and pets are also important to consider. Trying to juggle work life and personal life during this time is going to be hard, but here is where the pre-move checklist comes in.

The Pre-Move Checklist


There are many qualities you’ll likely want in your new home, but The Masiello Group notes that an important one is your commute. Even if your company isn’t moving out of state, many employees actually choose to move for a shorter commute. It is important to find a house that has a reasonable commute to your work or is close enough that you can even walk to work (not usually possible, but we have heard of it)!

Finding The Right Home


Moving for work can be exciting, but it can also be stressful. You may find yourself feeling under-prepared for your new position. But fear not. As points out, most people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their careers. 

Adjusting To Your New Career


You should begin the packing process by first going through your belongings. Now is a great time to go through your items to see if there are things you no longer need. Not only will this make packing easier, but it will leave you with less to move and unpack, too.

Packing Up Your Household Items


If you’re planning a career relocation, take the time to mentally prepare yourself for the change. Moving is stressful, but it can also be exciting and rewarding. Make sure you have a solid plan in place for your move, consider renting over buying, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from family and friends. When the big day arrives, take a deep breath and enjoy the adventure!

Begin Your Move

If you are now reading this and realize that you don’t want to move because of your job, don’t worry. We have several amazing job openings near you! Apply today and start your dream job tomorrow!