Innovative Income-Generating Ideas After a Career Setback

Orange Lightning

After facing the crushing blow of a job loss or hourly cutbacks, you may feel at a loss of how to make ends meet. Thanks to modern conveniences, finding replacement income is easier than ever. Try any of these methods to start earning more money.

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Create a Course

You probably know something someone else wants to learn. Advertise lessons that you can provide in person or online. As you gain students and popularity, increase your rates to meet market demand. An audio or video course on a platform can bring in passive income long after you've recorded your classes. You may need to break through by offering free content or deep discounts.

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Form an LLC

Be prepared for the moment your gig turns into a full-blown business by forming an LLC. The fees are a drop in the bucket compared to the headaches you save yourself and the advantages you gain. LLCs allow you to benefit from pass-through taxation and shield your personal property from business liabilities.  Follow your state regulations for setting up your company since rules vary. If you'd rather not deal with filing on your own, hire a formation service for a fraction of the cost of a lawyer.

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Play Video Games

You can start a YouTube channel or blog outlining tips, tricks, and guides for your favorite game if you're a master. For example, reports relay that Minecraft remains exceptionally popular. You can use an online banner maker for professional branding on your website and social media.  Select a template from the service and customize it with unique design assets, fonts, images, and backgrounds.

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Build an App

If you can solve a problem for people or entertain them, you can reap repeated income from an app. Apps are easy to make with low code and no-code app builders. The software can earn you a continuous income from sales and ads.

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Advertise on Your Car

If you're looking for a quick and easy solution with a low barrier to entry, find businesses that pay you to promote them by putting an ad on your vehicle. Companies expect that you own the car, can legally drive the auto, and that the machine is in decent condition. Read the fine print and don't fall for any scams.

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Use a Temp Agency

Take your skills to businesses looking to fill roles immediately by working with a personnel and recruitment company. The work can hold you over while you find steady work or may lead to a full-time job. City Personnel can help you find a variety of well-paying temporary positions.

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Rent Your Car

If you switch to a remote work lifestyle and aren't using your car much, rent your vehicle through a sharing service. You'll need adequate insurance and a willingness to accept the risk of a stranger using your automobile.

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License Your Photos or Music

Profit from your creativity by selling your photography or compositions. Since you'll need software and a platform to publish your work, ensure any service you use to produce and distribute your work leaves you the rights to your materials and a fair royalty share.

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You don't have to rely on traditional methods to create income. Take the opportunity of unemployment or underemployment to expand into a fresh venture that may be your ticket to generational wealth. If you’re starting your own business, forming an LLC will give you tax advantages and limit your liability.

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