Job Roles That Have Been Affected By Automation

The impact of automation can be observed across various sectors and job roles, and it is nothing new. For instance, in manufacturing, robots have replaced human workers in repetitive assembly line tasks since 1961, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity. However, in the last few years, there has been a huge increase in automation in other sectors and job roles.  


In customer service, chatbots and virtual assistants have automated routine inquiries, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex customer issues. In human resources, automation has changed how companies hire employees. 


Even highly skilled professionals are not immune to the influence of automation. Data analysis, once a labor-intensive task, is now being automated through machine learning algorithms, allowing professionals to glean valuable insights from vast amounts of data. Healthcare providers are also embracing automation for tasks such as analyzing medical images or assisting in surgical procedures. 


In today’s rapidly evolving world, almost every job is susceptible to the transformative impact of automation. According to Zippia, a staggering 36 million jobs in the United States are deemed highly vulnerable to automation, with an additional 52 million American jobs facing a moderate risk of disruption, and 57 million positions fall into the low-risk category. It is undeniable that automation will leave its mark on virtually every occupation, reshaping them in ways we have yet to fully comprehend.


According to a report by the World Economic Forum, it is projected that by 2025, automation will displace approximately 85 million jobs globally, but it will also create around 97 million new jobs. This indicates that while some job roles may be eliminated, new opportunities will emerge as automation drives innovation and economic growth.


In a survey conducted by Deloitte, it was found that 53% of organizations have already started the process of integrating automation into their operations. The study also revealed that 79% of businesses plan to implement automation in the next three years, highlighting the increasing prevalence of this transformative technology.


These statistics demonstrate that automation is not just a passing trend but a fundamental shift in the way work is conducted. As individuals navigate this changing landscape, it becomes imperative to embrace new skills and adaptability to thrive in a future where automation plays a crucial role.


To learn more, check out our new blog post about the opportunities and challenges presented by automation and outline strategies for embracing new skills to future-proof your career in an increasingly automated world.