MAC or PC? Which one is better?

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City Personnel


MAC has changed the industry.


Since the 1980's, the age-old question has been, which one is better, MAC or PC?

MAC may be popular, but it is not the most used PC worldwide.


Since it's release, MAC has been increasingly more popular year-over-year. However, Windows PCs still hold 75% of the market share.

We grew up on Windows PCs.


Due to MAC being released 3 years after Window's first PC (and because PCs are thousands of $ less than MACs), Windows has always led in the market, especially back in the late 1900s.

Recently, MAC has increased in popularity.


Back in Jan 2009, Windows had 95% of the market share for operating systems. In second was MAC OS X at 3.7%. Fast forward 12 years later to 2021, the market share for Windows has decreased to 75% and increased to 17% for MAC OS X.

Benefits of MACs.


Longevity is the main reason a MAC is more expensive than a PC. While the life expectancy of a MAC versus a PC cannot be determined perfectly, Macs tend to last longer because Apple ensures that MAC systems (OS X) are optimized to run more smoothly for the duration of the computer’s lifetime. 

Benefits of MACs.


People still believe that MACs can't get viruses. This is not true, but the fact that people still believe this proves that MACs have fewer viruses than PCs.  MACs come with better protection against viruses, making it almost impossible to get any.

Benefits of MACs.


The biggest pain in the neck for PC owners is the constant updates being sent to your PC. It feels like every week there is another update to do on your computer. However, this isn’t the case for Mac. With Windows, you have to stay on top of all the driver updates, security patches, anti-virus, etc. When you own a Mac, all these worries go out the window (no pun intended).

Benefits of Windows PCs.


Today, you can purchase a PC for as cheap as $140. The cheapest MAC you can purchase is $999. The most expensive? Over $2000.

Benefits of Windows PCs.


From a hardware standpoint, Windows PCs are much more flexible than MACs. Windows PCs let you upgrade whatever and whenever you want. Many people choose to build their own PCs because of how easy it is. However, MACs make it almost impossible to do so.

Benefits of Windows PCs.


The business standard for many industries is Windows PCs. Many companies are switching over to MACs in recent years, but PCs are still the standard for most industries. Also, a lot of businesses have software written for Windows specifically.

So, which one is better?

If you are looking for a cheap computer to do minimal work on, a PC is ideal. If you are looking for a reliable machine and are willing to spend thousands of dollars, then a MAC is a good option for you.