Tips for Job Seekers

Recognizing and Stopping Gaslighting at Work

City Personnel

Gaslighting at the workplace can be a form of psychological abuse that can have a significant impact on individuals. Here are some signs to watch out for...

Persistent Negative Narrative

If you consistently hear negative comments or receive criticism that undermines your confidence and self-worth, it could be a sign of gaslighting.

Persistent Negative Gossip

If you notice that others are spreading rumors or gossip about you behind your back, creating a negative perception of you, it could be a tactic used to manipulate and control.

Persistent Negative Public Comment or Publicity

Gaslighters may try to publicly humiliate or discredit you through negative comments or actions in front of colleagues or superiors.

Persistent Denial or Misrepresentation

Gaslighters often deny or twist facts, making you question your memory or perception of events, leading to self-doubt and confusion.

Isolation and Alienation

Gaslighters may try to isolate you from your colleagues, friends, or support networks, making you more vulnerable to their manipulation.

Constantly Changing Expectations

Gaslighters may set impossible or ever-changing expectations for you, making it difficult to succeed and causing you to doubt your abilities.

Blaming and Shifting Responsibility

Gaslighters often refuse to take responsibility for their actions and instead shift blame onto others, including you, undermining your credibility and self-confidence.

Withholding Information

Gaslighters may intentionally withhold important information from you, keeping you in the dark and manipulating situations to their advantage.

Undermining Achievements

Gaslighters may downplay your accomplishments or take credit for your work, making you doubt your abilities and worth.

Remember, gaslighting is a serious issue, and if you suspect you are experiencing it at your workplace, it is important to seek support from trusted colleagues, HR, or professional counselors.