The Mystery of the Job Candidate Shortage

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It seems like everywhere you look, there are advertisements for job openings. Airlines, airports, restaurants, hotels, and so many other places are all facing the same fate – not being able to find candidates to work.  So what’s going on?

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Baby Boomers Exodus

The “Great Retirement” is driven by several factors, including the increasing availability of retirement benefits and the desire for a more leisurely lifestyle. According to the Pew Research Center, 12,000 Boomers are retiring daily, and this trend is expected to continue for the next two decades.

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For many entrepreneurs, posting to social media has become a powerful tool for promoting their businesses and sharing their success stories with the world. This type of content is highly inspirational and motivating, and it has led to a significant increase in the number of people who are quitting their jobs to start their own businesses.

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Those who were on unemployment benefits back when they lost their jobs due to the pandemic built a safety net for themselves.  With the additional $600 per week PUA benefits for 11 weeks and the additional UI Benefit of $300, many individuals made more money in one month on unemployment than they did for an entire year. This ‘safety net’ has helped many workers become pickier when looking for work, which is another reason for the staffing shortage.

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So what’s the bottom line? The job market is changing, and businesses need to change with it.  That means being open to new ways of finding candidates, such as using social media platforms or partnering with staffing agencies. And it also means being flexible when it comes to hiring criteria and looking at potential employees in a different light.