6 Ways to Prepare for a Meeting with a Recruiter

Written By

City Personnel


Dress to impress. Whether you are applying for a part-time job or a full-time one, always make sure to make a lasting first impression. Business professional attire is always recommended for a first interview because it is better to be overdressed than underdressed.

How Should You Dress For an Interview?

How Should You Prepare for an Interview?


The best thing you can do for a job is to do the research first. If a recruiter tells you the company’s name, make sure to do all the research on that company beforehand. Knowing more about the company will help impress the recruiter and help you stand out from others.

Update Your Resume


Update your resume, know what is on it, and bring a couple of copies of it to the meeting.

What is the Proper Etiquette in an Interview?


Being nice and courteous during the meeting with a recruitment agency will go a long way. Recruiters are the first to meet you and the first ones to recommend you to their client companies. A positive interview or meeting starts with the right attitude.

What not to Bring to An Interview


Do not bring food or drinks with you. Meetings with a recruiter do not take long. On average, a meeting/ interview can take around an hour. What may be a good idea is to bring a quick snack in your car and eat it right before you go in.

Go Alone and Stay on Track


Coming alone to a recruitment agency meeting may be self-explanatory, but we just wanted to remind you not to bring a friend or family member with you. Make sure if you are coming in for a meeting with a recruitment agency, don’t have anyone come in with you. Even if you came with someone, have them wait outside until you are done.

So, what now?

Now that you know the top 5 ways to prepare for a meeting with a recruiter, you will be more prepared to get the job that you will love! Contact City Personnel if you are looking for a job in RI or MA!