What is Upskilling?

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Upskilling is when an employer provides employees with education and training to help them develop more advanced skills. In today’s business landscape, change is the only constant. To stay ahead of the curve, businesses must continuously adapt and evolve. When businesses invest in upskilling, they are equipping their employees with the skills and knowledge they need to meet the demands of the ever-changing business landscape.

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Learning And Developing

One way to upskill your workforce is by learning and developing. The first phase of a learning and developing program is conducting an analysis of training needs, which can be done through a skills gap analysis.  The second phase is specifying learning objectives. This ensures that the training program is focused and goal-oriented. The third phase is designing training content and method.  And lastly, the final phase is monitoring and evaluation. This allows you to track progress and assess whether or not the program is successful.

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Job Rotation

Job rotation is the practice of moving employees laterally between jobs within the organization. These rotations are often temporary, but they can be an excellent way to transfer skills, knowledge, and competencies between jobs. For example, a manager may need to gain experience in different departments before moving to senior leadership.

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Peer Coaching/ Mentoring

In peer coaching, two or more colleagues work together to expand, refine, and build new skills. This process can be extremely beneficial as it allows employees to learn from one another. When it comes to peer mentoring, a more experienced employee teaches skills to a less experienced worker, usually in the same field. The more experience employee will be able to advise the more novice worker, creating many teachable moments.

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Hiring A Specialist

If you need employees with specific skills as soon as possible, or the skills you need are so new that you don’t have the experience to teach them, one solution might be to hire freelancers or contractors. These people can bring the exact skills, competencies, and experience you need to start a new project, which can help your business stay ahead of the competition and to teach your current employees.

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Job Enlargement

Job enlargement involves adding additional activities within the same level to an existing role. For example, a customer service representative may be responsible for handling phone calls, responding to emails, and processing orders. Adding additional tasks such as social media monitoring or live chat support allows the employee to learn new skills and develop a more well-rounded knowledge base.

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If you’re looking to invest in upskilling your workforce, you should keep a few things in mind. First, it’s important to identify your employees’ skills to succeed in their roles. Once you’ve identified these skills, you can create a plan to best provide upskilling opportunities to help your employees acquire these skills. Additionally, you’ll want to ensure that you have a budget in place for upskilling initiatives and that you communicate the importance of upskilling to your employees. So, what’s the best way to upskill your employees for the digital age? It depends on your specific needs. However, often a combination of techniques will work best.