Why Employers are doing  Quiet Cuts.

What Is Quiet Cutting?

Quiet cutting is a term used to describe a practice that some companies are using to reduce their workforce without actually firing employees. It involves sending emails to employees informing them that their current job role has been eliminated but that they have not been fired. 

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What Is Quiet Cutting?

Rather than firing you, an employer will email you that you are being reassigned to a new position. However, sometimes, the reassignment can cause more stress for the employee...

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Why Do Employers Quit Cut Employees?

Quiet cutting is often used to avoid the legal and financial implications of firing employees, as well as to avoid the negative publicity associated with layoffs. However, there are other reasons why employers start quiet cutting employees. 

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Why Do Employers Quit Cut Employees?

According to Bonnie Dilber, a recruiting manager at Zapier, these quiet cuts can occur for positions with transferable skills and fluctuating workloads, such as recruiters, salespeople, or support staff. Dilber believes that if your workload is light and your employer seeks ways to keep you employed, it can be seen as a positive sign.  

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Why Do Employers Quit Cut Employees?

However, there may come a point where it no longer makes sense to keep employees working on unrelated projects in the long term. In Dilber’s opinion, this could be a signal to start updating your resume and exploring other job opportunities. While appreciating the chance to stay employed, it’s crucial to be prepared for potential trouble ahead by networking and keeping your options open.

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Why Do Employers Quit Cut Employees?

It’s worth noting that sometimes, these reassignments may have no benefits and could simply be a tactic to push employees to resign. According to Rahbar, the practice of “quiet cutting” (making employees leave without formally terminating them) is not new, and it often allows companies to avoid paying severance.

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What To Do?

In summary, viewing reassignments as both a potential red flag and an opportunity to remain employed is a prudent approach. Assess the situation, consider your long-term prospects, and be proactive in exploring alternative options if necessary.

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What To Do?

In summary, viewing reassignments as both a potential red flag and an opportunity to remain employed is a prudent approach. Assess the situation, consider your long-term prospects, and be proactive in exploring alternative options if necessary.

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