7 Spring Cleaning Tips For Streamlining Your Job Search

By City Personnel

Spring is the perfect time of year for a fresh start. With warmer weather and sunnier days comes an extra burst of motivation to declutter, organize, and get ready for new opportunities. If you’re currently on the hunt for a new job, now would be the ideal moment to approach it with renewed energy by tackling your search with an organizational spring cleaning!


Clean Up Your Email

Having an organized email inbox is an important part of any job search. Not only does it make it easier to find the emails you need, but it also will ensure you do not miss any emails from potential employers. The issue with an unorganized email inbox is that it may take you a few days to see an email sent from a potential employer.

List of the best apps to clean up your email.


Clean Up Your Email

Fortunately, there are now several tools available to help you clean up your email inbox quickly and easily. Clean Email organizes all of your emails into easy-to-review bundles, while Trimbox.io and Mailstrom offer powerful features that allow you to remove hundreds or even thousands of messages in one click.

List of the best apps to clean up your email.


Update Your Resume

Updating your resume is essential to making sure you stand out in the job market, and it is a very important step you should take when ‘spring cleaning.’ By taking the time to customize your resume to each job you are applying for, you can increase both the amount of interviews and offers you receive.

Resumes should be updated every 6 months.


Update Your Resume

Start by ensuring that the information on your resume is accurate. Check for any typos, and make sure all of your contact information is correct. Put yourself in an employer’s shoes when crafting your resume; they want to see clear examples, so highlight skills and accomplishments relevant to that particular position.

Resumes should be updated every 6 months.


Research Job Openings

Researching job openings can help you identify potential career paths, assess your skills and capabilities, and research employers to find out what they are looking for in a candidate. Knowing what companies are hiring in your field, and understanding their needs and expectations, will help you prepare for a successful job interview.

Indeed is a great resource to search for jobs.


Create A Portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of documents, samples, and other materials that demonstrate your skills, experience, and potential to prospective employers. It can be used to showcase your talents and abilities, which can make you stand out from other applicants. 

Not all jobs require portfolios...


Create A Portfolio

If you are applying for any roles that require a portfolio, start your ‘spring cleaning’ by gathering examples of your work, such as writing samples, design projects, or any other relevant material that showcases your skills. A portfolio allows employers to get a better sense of who you are and what you can bring to the table.

Not all jobs require portfolios...


Reach Out To References

When it comes to getting hired, including references is an important part of the job search process. According to an SHRM survey, 92% of employers do reference checks as part of the hiring process, which is why having an updated list of references is one of the most important steps in the job search process.

Keep in contact with your references.


Reach Out To References

When asking someone to be a reference, it’s important to give them plenty of notice so that they have time to prepare their thoughts about you. That means if you are starting your job search soon, or already on the job search, start reaching out to references today. Also, keep in contact with your references during your job search!

Keep in contact with your references.


Update Your LinkedIn

When looking for a job, it’s important to have an online presence that showcases your professional accomplishments. Updating your LinkedIn profile is a great way to highlight your skills and experience and make sure you’re putting your best foot forward.

90% of recruiters use LinkedIn to fill jobs.


Read Mission Statements

It’s important to understand the values and mission of the company you’re applying to. Visiting the company website and reading its mission statement can be an invaluable way to do so. This will give you insight into what they value, which can help you decide if this is the right job for you.

85% of companies have mission statements.

Now that you know how to spring clean for your job search, you are one step closer to finding a new job! Do you still have questions on how to streamline your job search? Check out our new blog: