City Personnel

Do You Still Need to Create a Cover Letter in 2023?

The era of cover letters is a thing of the past. A survey conducted in 2020 revealed that 87% of employers took the time to read cover letters. However, a more recent poll conducted on Glassdoor in 2022 found that only 10% of hiring managers said cover letters are necessary when applying for a job. So, is it still necessary to accompany your resume with a cover letter?

While the percentage of hiring managers that think cover letters are necessary is very low, that doesn’t mean they aren’t important. In fact, 87% of hiring managers actually read cover letters most of the time when it is attached to a resume.

Additionally, in situations where submitting a cover letter is not mandatory, 77% of recruiters tend to favor candidates who do include one. If you’re unsure about how to craft an impactful cover letter, consider exploring these guidelines on constructing a persuasive cover letter.

In the dynamic world of job hunting, cover letters have transitioned from being a staple to a rarity. Surprisingly, only 47% of applicants now include a cover letter with their resumes. Despite their dwindling prevalence, first mentioned in a 1936 edition of the Wall Street Journal, cover letters continue to serve an important function.

The essence of a cover letter is straightforward. It acts as a precursor to your resume, providing employers with an initial impression of who you are and what you can contribute to their organization. More than just a formal requirement, a cover letter symbolizes your dedication and enthusiasm for the opportunity at hand. 

Though not all job seekers recognize it, crafting a thoughtful and personalized cover letter is a demonstration of commitment. It indicates that you care enough about the prospective role to invest time in creating a document that speaks directly to the hiring manager. In a competitive job market, a well-written cover letter can set you apart from others.

If you are on the job search and need more job search tips like these, we can help! As a locally owned boutique staffing agency, we are able to develop a detailed understanding of your job search needs.