How To Prepare for a Phone Interview

Orange Lightning

Research the Company

One of the most important things you can do is research the company before the interview. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the company’s history, mission, and values. This will not only give you a better understanding of the role you are applying for, but it will also help you to form thoughtful questions to ask during the interview.

Orange Lightning

Prepare in Advance

Review the job listing carefully and ensure you clearly understand the requirements and responsibilities of the role. This will help you to prepare questions in advance that you can ask during the interview.  It is also a good idea to prepare a few talking points so you can confidently speak about your experience and qualifications.

Orange Lightning

Have Your Job Materials Nearby

When you’re getting ready for a phone interview, it’s important to have all of your materials nearby. This way, you can quickly refer to them if you need to. Make sure you have a copy of your resume and the job listing or description.  You might also want to have a pen and paper handy to take notes during the interview. And, of course, make sure your phone is fully charged!

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Practice Interviewing

Unlike in-person interviews, phone interviews are usually shorter and more focused on specific questions. As a result, you’ll need to be concise in your answers and be able to discuss your skills and experience in a clear, concise manner. Go ahead and practice with a friend or family member. Have them call you and ask you common interview questions.

Orange Lightning

Set Up a Professional Voicemail

Sometimes a phone interview can come out of nowhere. After applying for a few positions online, employers’ first contact with you may be a quick phone call rather than an email or text to schedule a time to talk. I am sure most of you aren’t quick to pick up the phone from a number you are unfamiliar with. If this is the case, make sure you have a professional voicemail. In the event an employer calls without a heads up, and you are too busy to pick up the phone, you will want your voicemail to be professional.

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Find a Quiet Place to Talk

One way to ensure you’re able to give your best interview is to find a quiet place to talk where you won’t be interrupted. This may mean setting up in a quiet room at home or even stepping outside for a few minutes. By taking the time to find a quiet spot, you’ll be able to focus on the conversation and make a good impression on the interviewer.

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Follow the Interviewer's Lead

Be prepared to engage in small talk. Some interviewers may wish to spend the first few minutes discussing the weather. Others may want to get right into the interview. Whatever the case may be, it is important to let the interviewer guide the conversation.

Orange Lightning

Speak Clearly and Slowly

One of the most important things to remember during a job interview is to speak clearly and slowly. This can be difficult if you get nervous, but the interviewer must understand what you are saying. If you mumble or speak too quickly, they may not be able to understand you, and this could lead to them not hiring you. Taking a deep breath and speaking slowly will help the interviewer understand you better and make you appear more confident.