How to Prepare for a Zoom Interview

Orange Lightning

You may be a master of in-person interviews, but Zoom interviews are a little different, which is why we wanted to share with you some tips for your Zoom interview. Here are some of the best ways to prepare for a Zoom interview.

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Practice. Practice. Practice. The first step to learning anything is practice. If you are new to using Zoom, the easiest way to prepare for your interview is by practicing using it. Test out the platform with friends and family, and fix any problems that arise before your upcoming interview.

Practice Using Zoom

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One of the easiest, yet most crucial, things you can do to prepare for your Zoom interview is to charge your laptop. Time and time again, we have seen people either show up late to a virtual interview because their computer died beforehand or have our interview cut short because of the interviewee’s laptop dying on them. Don’t let this be you.

Charge Your Laptop

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I HATE when I am in the middle of writing a blog post, and my computer has a popup that says “updating in 3…2…1.” and I have three seconds to hit cancel before I lose all my work. This can happen to you during your Zoom interview if your computer has not been updated in a while. To ensure this does not happen, turn on your computer an hour or two before your virtual interview (depending on the last time you updated it) and download all the necessary updates.

Update Your Laptop

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What can be more annoying than a baby crying or a dog barking while talking to someone on the phone? Nothing. To make sure your interviewer isn’t annoyed with your background noise, keep the dog and baby in the other room while you are on an interview. A quiet room is a must for virtual interviews.

Go Into A Quiet Room

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One of the most important things to consider when doing a virtual interview is your background. It’s easy to overlook this aspect, but it can make a big difference in how you’re perceived by potential employers. A cluttered or messy background can make you look unprofessional, while an inappropriate poster or piece of art could cost you the job.

Choose A Professional Background

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When it comes to job interviews, first impressions are everything. And in today’s world of virtual interviews, that first impression is often made through your appearance on screen. That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re in a well-lit room when you’re interviewed via Zoom or any other video conferencing platform.

Find A Bright Room

Orange Lightning

When participating in a Zoom call, it is important to make sure that you have turned off notifications on all of your devices. This will help you to stay focused on the conversation and avoid any potential embarrassment or distraction from an incoming message or notification sound.

Turn Off Your Notifications 

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It’s important to be fully present during a job interview, and that means silencing your phone and putting it away. Not only does it show that you’re respectful of the interviewer’s time, but it also helps you to focus on the conversation at hand.

Silence Your Phone

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A bad internet connection is one of the most frustrating things that can happen during a video call. Not only does it make it difficult to communicate with the other person, but it can also cause the audio and video to cut out. This can be extremely frustrating for both parties, and it can make it difficult to get the information that you need. The best way to avoid this problem is to make sure that your internet connection is stable. If you have the option, connect your computer to an ethernet cable.

Find A Good Internet Connection

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It's important to remember to communicate with your household that you have an upcoming Zoom interview. Let everyone know in advance when the interview is taking place and ask them to avoid making any loud noises or walking in front of the camera.

Let Your Household Know About Your Zoom Interview​

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Whether you are interviewing in-person or virtually, it is crucial to dress professionally. Not sure what color tie you should wear? Not sure what color suit to wear? Play it safe and dress how you would on a regular interview.

Wear Professional Attire​

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Make sure to log onto your virtual interview 10 minutes before your interview's scheduled time. That way, you are not in a rush to join the interview and can prepare yourself mentally beforehand.

Login 10 Minutes Before Scheduled Time​