How to Request More Responsibility at Work

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City Personnel


Before you casually stroll into your boss’s office asking for more work, take the time to understand what the company needs. Research the business goals and objectives and what initiatives the company is currently undertaking.

Understand Your Company's Need


To show your boss you’re ready for more responsibility, you need to demonstrate that you’re capable of handling it. This means consistently performing at a high level and delivering results that exceed expectations. 

Demonstrate Your Capabilities


When asking for more responsibility, it’s essential to be clear about what you want and why. Be specific about what you’re asking for, what you’re willing to do to get it, and the benefits it will bring to you and the company.

Be Specific In Your Request


Asking for more responsibility comes with some level of risk. Understandably, your boss may have some apprehension about assigning new tasks to you without knowing how well you can handle them. To alleviate this concern, offer to start small. Seek opportunities to shadow a colleague or take on a small project to demonstrate your abilities before moving on to larger ones. 

Be Patient


After successfully requesting additional responsibilities, it’s essential to follow up regularly to show progress and success. Keep your boss informed about your projects and share positive feedback that you may have  received. 

Follow Up

Making the request for more responsibility at work can be daunting, but it’s worth doing if you’re committed to taking charge of your career. By understanding your company’s needs, demonstrating your capabilities, being specific in your request, being patient, and following up, you can successfully navigate the process.