City Personnel

Is It Okay to do a Zoom Interview in your Car?

Is it okay to do a Zoom interview in your car? Back a couple of years ago, conducting an interview over Zoom was almost unheard of. In fact, only 8% of companies were doing interviews online in 2019. Nowadays, nearly every company is conducting their interviews via Zoom.

From interviewing with candidates in their kitchen to their bedroom, we have almost interviewed in every place in a house! However, the question is, is it okay to do a Zoom interview in your car? 

At City Personnel, doing a Zoom interview in your car is completely fine! More often than not, we prefer individuals doing the Zoom interview in their car because it is a lot less distracting than listening to dogs barking and children playing. However, if you do conduct your interview in your car, make sure to follow these three tips...

First things first, the question is, is your car parked? The last thing we want to do is conduct an interview with a distracted driver. How embarrassing would it be having to hang up on a hiring manager or recruiter because you just got pulled over by the cops? If you are on the go and need to start driving, it may be best to reschedule the interview.

If you do happen to do your interview in your car, make sure your radio is completely off. Don’t just turn down the volume on your radio. Just because your car radio is on 3 volume doesn’t mean your phone can’t pick it up as a sound. Make sure to turn it off before starting.

Lastly, if you are going to interview in your car, make sure you are alone! Having your kids in the back seat may seem like a good idea, but they will be a distraction for you and the interviewer more often than not.

Employers will be completely fine with you doing a Zoom interview in your car if you follow these three tips. For more Zoom Interview Tips, check out our blog!