What The Color Of Your Tie Says About You

Orange Lightning

Black or Grey

Black is a strong color. It is formal and intense, but also matches with almost everything! When you wear black, you will be seen as sophisticated and classy. However, be cautious, wearing all black can sometimes make people see you as arrogant or overdressed. In this case, stick with more grey, which will be seen as an edgy, modern look. If you choose to wear grey, make sure you are an extrovert, or you will be seen as someone who hides in the crowd and takes little to no risks.

Orange Lightning


Very rarely will you come across an individual who shows up to an interview with a white tie. However, let’s talk about a white dress shirt to wear during an interview. White is professional and formal. Usually, on interviews, it is common for individuals to wear a dark color suit (Black or Dark Blue) with a white dress shirt underneath. This shows a clean and professional look, which allows you to pick any color tie you would like!.

Orange Lightning


I am sure you all know that red is a dominant color. Look at the top companies in the world. Coca Cola, Netflix, Target, YouTube, CNN, and many more use red in their logos because it is a ‘powerful’ color that people are attracted to. This is why you see many politicians and other famous figures wear red ties and incorporate red into their merchandise and flyers. Red has always been seen as a color that shows strength and passion, which could help influence and employer to hire you instead of other candidates.

Orange Lightning

Dark Red

On the other hand, darker red shows you being more trustworthy, and lighter red can be associated with you being a more creative individual. If you want to show that you can take on a role as a Manager or higher-level employee, consider wearing red.

Orange Lightning


Pink shows that you are an excellent communicator. This means people will be more open to talking to you. If you are applying for a sales role, or are communicating with clients daily, consider wearing a pink tie.

Orange Lightning


One of the most commonly used colored tie is blue. This is because it is the safest color to wear. When people think of blue, their firsts thoughts are the ocean and sky, which helps them feel calm and trust you more. If you are looking to wear a lighter blue, it can help you be seen as friendly and approachable, while a darker blue will help people trust your decisions. This is usually because dark blues are associated with pilot uniforms.

Orange Lightning


The color purple shows people you are self-confident. People who see purple relate it to royalty and wealth, which creates a lasting impression that will help you build professional relationships with others. Purple also shows you are modern and open-minded.

Orange Lightning

Lighter Colors

Orange and Yellow are pretty similar when it comes to their meanings. These lighter colors are fun, which makes people see you as outgoing.

Orange Lightning


Green is the most robust color to work with when it comes to ties. Sometimes green can be too distracting, which makes people remember your tie rather than who you are. If choosing green, make sure it is a subtle or dark green. Lighter greens show your creativity, and dark greens show that you are wise. Any other greens should be avoided.

Orange Lightning


Brown shows that you are risky and humble. However, it can look too plain and old if it is too dull of a brown.