Employee Case Study: Joanne

Struggling to find a new job can be an overwhelming experience, especially when you are unsure why you are not being considered for certain roles. One of our candidates, Joanne, found herself in this situation with over thirty years of experience working in the legal field.

Learn more about how City Personnel helped Joanne find a new job in this case study.


Joanne’s had extensive longevity working in the legal industry for over 35 years.

On the market for a new role, Joanne found herself reaching out to several staffing agencies for help finding new employment. 


Lack of Communication from Other Employment Agencies

Joanne started looking for a new job by herself but quickly realized that reaching out to staffing agencies would be the best option to speed up the process. However, Joanne found herself working with staffing agencies that were non-responsive.

“First, I did a little bit of searching on my own through websites and some firms themselves, and then I started to just check in with a couple of local placement agencies, some of which were very non-responsive. I spoke with him ahead of time, sent my resume in, and then I never heard anything back. Another one wanted me to apply to positions for which I was probably overqualified. The pay wasn’t great, benefits weren’t great.”

- Joanne

Joanne continues, “Some of them just seem to have their own idea of who a good candidate would be for them. After interviewing with the agency itself and letting them know what I was looking for, they still really wanted me to go to interviews for places that I either wasn’t interested in or didn’t really fit with what my qualifications were.”

Job Postings are Not Completely Transparent

Joanne, like many others, feels like job postings are not completely transparent.

Joanne states, “I think a lot of times, job postings are not completely transparent. Sometimes you don’t know until you get to an interview, if you even get that far.” 

Overqualified for Positions

Joanne was also having difficulty getting responses from companies on her applications. She was not sure if she was being rejected because she was overqualified or because other candidates were more qualified.

Joanne continues, “And one of the other issues is that it’s just non-responsive. When you’re seeking on your own, you know, you just don’t hear back from anybody. So you’re not quite sure what the issue is, are other people more qualified? Are you overqualified? you just don’t always know, you know, what’s holding you back. And so it’s hard to make any progress. And it can be very disappointing that you don’t ever hear back from anyone.”


Joanne’s and City Personnel’s relationship started because Joanne knew of City Personnel’s positive reputation.

“I knew of City Personnel because I’ve seen you for years. And I just started by giving you a call. And that’s when I finally started to get some appropriate positions being considered, you know, that will commensurate with my experience, my talent, and what I was looking for.”

- Joanne

Being Open and Transparent

City Personnel quickly created an open and transparent relationship with Joanne by addressing her concerns about her job search. 

Joanne states, “I would say City Personnel was very open, transparent, and readily available. Everyone listened and heard what I was saying. You addressed my concerns, like any question that I have is always answered. If I asked questions, you would go and work back with your clients, with the employers, and get additional information. And I mean, that’s just so helpful. Because, you know, after being looking for work for so long, the more information that you have interviewing for jobs, the better.”

The Results

City Personnel quickly became Joanne’s staffing agency of choice. City Personnel was able to market Joanne’s longevity in the legal industry to find job opportunities that she was not overqualified for. After sending Joanne on a few interviews with our clients, City Personnel was able to help Joanne land a permanent role with one of our clients.

Joanne openly shares advice with other individuals who may be struggling with their job search.

Joanne offers, “I really feel that it’s so much easier to work through an agency. Someone that gets to know what you’re looking for and is willing to wait for the best position. I mean, always offering positions along the way, but willing to keep working with you.”

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