Employee Case Study: Melissa M.

Having longevity and experience working in your field is not always enough to land a new job opportunity, especially if you haven’t been on the job search for 20+ years. One of our candidates, Melissa, found herself in this situation when she left her job after 25 years, only to enter an unfamiliar job search process.

Learn more about how City Personnel helped Melissa find a new job in this case study!


Melissa had extensive longevity in customer service and order entry, working for a manufacturing company for 25 years.

On the market for a new opportunity, Melissa found herself having to navigate the job search process, which has gone from an in person experience to a digital one.


Struggling with the Automated Job Search

For many individuals who fall between the generations of Baby Boomers and Gen X, it is not uncommon to share the notion of having significant job longevity, if not, entire career stints at one company—unlike their Millenial and Gen Z counterparts.

After 25 years of work at one company, Melissa faced the challenge of being out of touch with not only the job market but exercising a job search that is now automated.

“It was difficult because everything now is done online. I mean everything. Everything is online. Before, job searches were classified as ads posted in newspapers. Or being able to walk into a location and ask to speak with a hiring manager. The process of job searching has been transformed into a digital arena, where you are fighting for someone to notice you in a sea of candidates without the ability to sell yourself as easily.”

- Melissa

General Obstacles for Candidates in the Job Market

Like many of our candidates, Melissa was applying online and seemingly not having any progress. There seemed to be a disconnect between the roles she was applying for and her long-proven track record of qualifications.

Melissa notes, “I was looking for 6 months prior to seeking out City Personnel. I could put an application in for a job, and within like a half an hour, I get back, ‘Sorry, it’s been filled.’ I was applying to roles that, upon looking at the title and job description, I was more than suitable for but then would be rejected with no feedback. Looking back, I was applying to opportunities I was likely overqualified for.”

Melissa continues, “It was hard for me to find my bearings during my job search because most positions that are posted online are not transparent on salary range. So I’d apply for a job that on paper seemed suitable, and I would get a response, but it would be paying $14. It was a confusing standstill.”


Melissa was first introduced to City Personnel by a Google Search.

Melissa shares, “I was driving down I-95 and I saw a billboard for another staffing agency and, in my brain, it clicked…I went, ‘Oh, that’s right. There are employment agencies in the state of Rhode Island.’ At the time, I was on unemployment benefits and the benefits were coming to an end. So I set a timeline for after the holidays to seek out additional resources. My sister also vocalized that employment agencies can help supplement my search. I was honest with myself that my job search was very unsuccessful on my own. I did a Google search of personnel companies in Rhode Island. City Personnel popped up with job listings that I thought were appropriate for me to apply for.”

Cultivating a Personalized Experience from Interview to Job Offer

Additionally, City Personnel helped give Melissa the personal touch she missed when applying online.

“Everything City Personnel did was exceptional. From the quick turnaround from the time you sent my resume out to the short period of time I was making headway from companies. Everyone on the team moves with efficiency but with purpose. I felt the care, the personalization of interactions, and the powerful push to get me a job.

I enjoyed the option of in-person interviews and Zoom because I like that personal touch. Many staffing agencies have completely automated their process, but I like that I had options that made me feel comfortable to present myself in the best way. 

I think City Personnel is timely, professional, kind, and transparent.”

- Melissa

The Results

City Personnel became Melissa’s chosen resource when it came to navigating the job market. City Personnel was able to market Melissa’s job longevity to companies that were complementary to her qualifications and needs. Within the same month of interviewing with City Personnel, Melissa was offered a direct hire position that aligns with her background and highlights her skillset.

Melissa concludes, “ My advice is when an individual first starts their job search, is to immediately seek out a staffing firm. Sometimes people fall on their sword when they are job seeking, whether it’s because they are too prideful to ask for help, inflexible in their criteria, or because of negative myths about agencies. I cannot stress enough that staffing firms are an asset and can only help broaden your reach when applying.”

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