Have you applied to your dream job but faced disappointment because you haven’t heard back yet? Don’t worry. You will get your chance. You have to remember that getting your dream job at your dream company is not easy. More than likely, plenty of people like you have the same dreams. As a result, you have a lot of competition.
So, how do you make a solid impression when applying for the job opening of your dreams? Here are four tips to help you find your dream job.
Create an Extraordinary Resume
The first thing that can distinguish you from the rest of the applicants applying to your dream company is by creating an extraordinary resume. Remember that your resume is the only thing recruiters have to determine whether or not to interview you. It would be best if you designed your resume in a way that will leave a positive impression on recruiters and hiring managers.
That means you have to tailor your resume for the job opening to convince the hiring managers that you are the perfect person they should call for their job opening.
You can find many resume tips on our previous blogs that will help you get noticed by recruiters. If you don’t catch a recruiter’s eye in six seconds, then more than likely, your resume will end up in the trash can.
How do you create an effective resume that will win you a job at the company of your dreams? Many believe that all that matters in a resume is education, skills, experience, and work history to get a job. However, this is sometimes not enough to stand out. One of the most important things that will help you stand out is your resume design.
How your resume is designed can help showcase your creativity and professionalism even if you don’t have lots of experience yet. As a college graduate with less than a year of experience working in your field, the way you design your resume is crucial to getting your resume seen by recruiters.
How do you create an outstanding resume design?
There are a few ways to create a good resume design. First, you can get help from professional resume designers from your university or online. The other way is by using an online resume builder.
A resume builder provides dozens of built-in templates for people hunting for jobs in various professional fields. Resume builders online will help you quickly tailor your resume to be the best fit for applying to job openings.
Not all resume builders are the same. If you use Canva, you may think you have a great resume design, but chances are, your resume will look exactly like everyone else’s. Additionally, Canva resumes can be set up in a way that is difficult for ATS systems to recognize.
Build Online Presence
Besides having an extraordinary resume, you should have an online presence on multiple professional networking platforms to enhance your chances of getting the job you have always wanted. The more visible you are on these platforms, the better your chances are of getting the job you are looking for.
For that purpose, you must create a strong LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter profile. Chances are, recruiters will connect with you primarily on LinkedIn, but make sure your other social media pages are professional in case they search for you. While editing your social media profiles, remember the goals of your job search and design your profile accordingly.
It can be helpful if you regularly ask questions, provide valuable answers, and post weekly. Besides these platforms, you can also start writing a blog where you can publish tips or the latest news in the field you are looking to join.
Blogs are a great way to get noticed by employers because you can share your posts on your social media pages. A great blog shows you care about the industry you work in and are great at writing.
Polish Your Knowledge and Skills
When applying to job openings, make sure you answer your phone. Recruiters may call you on short notice for a brief interview if they are impressed with your resume or social media profile. Now that you have the hiring manager or recruiter on the phone, you must impress them with your knowledge of the company and the skills you have to help the company succeed. Candidates who do research into a company before applying will have more knowledge once a recruiter calls to schedule an interview. Don’t wait to do your research into a company before an interview. Instead, do the research before applying!
Suppose your knowledge and skills cannot impress a recruiter on an initial call. In that case, they may not call you again, even if you gained some relevant experience, which is why you should never go for an interview without being adequately prepared. If you are looking to impress a recruiter, here are a few things you should research before going on an interview:
- Keep yourself up to date on recent advancements in the industry
- Regularly read news feeds to know what new technology may help your company succeed
- Only read reliable and credible authors to ensure you provide accurate information.
- Read research articles and books published by authentic journals and publishers.
Negotiate on Benefits and Salary
Usually, when you get a job offer from your dream company to work for, you are ready to accept the position without negotiating your salary or benefits.
If you haven’t negotiated your salary or benefits before, this may be a stressful situation for you. However, if the salary is not ideal for you, try negotiating it with the hiring manager. Chances are, the hiring manager is willing to increase your salary if negotiated.