Top 5  City Personnel Blog Posts

Orange Lightning

Is Craigslist a Good Place to Look for Jobs?

Craigslist was once one of the best places to search for any kind of job.  Nowadays, it is used more for blue-collar and less senior positions. The question is, is Craigslist still a good place to look for jobs? Here are the pros and cons of Craigslist job postings.

Orange Lightning

Is It Okay to do a Zoom Interview in your Car?

Is it okay to do a Zoom interview in your car? Back a couple of years ago, conducting an interview over Zoom was almost unheard of. In fact, only 8% of companies were doing interviews online in 2019. Nowadays, nearly every company is conducting their interviews via Zoom. So, is it okay to do a Zoom interview in your car?

Orange Lightning

Top 5 Free Resume Templates

There are thousands of things you can do to improve your job search. However, the first step is to create a resume (using one of these free resume templates). With new technology coming out every year, it is harder and harder to perfect your resume for applicant tracking systems. To pass these applicant tracking systems, make sure to follow these 10 steps.

Orange Lightning

What Not to Do During a Zoom Call

As a staffing agency, we have completely switched from in-person interviews to virtual ones. There are many benefits to doing this, especially safety. However, we have had many interesting Zoom interviews. Because we have done hundreds of virtual interviews since COVID-19, we will go over all the “do not’s” we have seen for Zoom interviews! If you are going on a Zoom interview, here are the best tips for you to prepare for a Zoom Interview!

Orange Lightning

When Are You Most Productive

Would you rather sleep in and start your workday later or wake up earlier to get everything accomplished? By now, I am sure you know whether you are a morning person or a night person.   However, do you know when you are most productive?