How to Find a Job in Less Than 30 Days

How to Find a Job in Less Than 30 Days

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Are you struggling to find a job? Are you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed? You are not alone. Thousands of people search for jobs daily, and it can be tough to stand out in a competitive market. That is why we have created this 30-day job search plan.

This article will walk you through the process of finding a job in less than 30 days. Follow these 30 steps in 30 days, and you will be on your way to finding the job of your dreams!

Do Your Research Before the Job Search

No matter what you’re starting in life, whether it’s a new job, relationship, or hobby, it’s always important to do your research first.

Unfortunately, the most overlooked step in the job search process is doing research. You may think you know everything you already need to know about the industry you want to join, but chances are you don’t.

Take the time to research your industry, different job titles, and the requirements of the positions you are looking to apply for. The research will help you find exactly what job titles to look out for.

Even if you are staying in a field that you have been working in for the last 20 years, there is a high possibility that the job search is entirely different from the last time you were looking for work.

For example, the term Secretary was trendy ten years ago, but today, companies use words like Receptionist or Assistant to replace the term Secretary.

Now that you know that, instead of limiting your job search to only Legal Secretary positions, you can now search for Legal Receptionist and Legal Assistant jobs as well.

Additionally, researching companies in the industry you want to work in will help with your job search! Find a company that will be an excellent cultural fit for yourself. The best way to do this is by scrolling through their social media pages!

Learn From Others in Your Industry

If you want to be the best, you have to learn from the best. If you just graduated college and are unsure how to get a job in your field, see what others have done to get where they are.

If you want to be a motivational speaker, learn about how Tony Robbins started. If you want to be a marketer, see what Gary Vaynerchuk did to become one of the most followed influencers on the internet.

It is crucial to stay up-to-date on what other people in your industry are doing. This can help you to be more competitive and improve your skills. There are a few ways to research this information. One way is to go onto LinkedIn and look at people’s profiles. You can see what jobs they have had and where they started their careers.

Another way to learn how others started in your industry is by attending networking events. Attending networking events is one of the easiest ways to connect with individuals in your industry.

gary v

Get Organized

Applying for jobs can be a daunting task, but fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make the process a little easier. One way to make the job search process easier is to keep everything organized.

Keep track of where you apply, when you apply, and the job title you apply for. Staying organized will help you to keep track of your progress and avoid submitting multiple applications to the same company. Additionally, keep your files organized. We suggest having a folder on your desktop with your references, cover letter template, and resume. 

Make sure you save all files in an easy-to-edit format. Also, change your resume title to your first and last name so employers can find them once saved to their device (ex: ElonMusk.docx).

Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts

In today’s digital age, it’s essential to be aware of how you present yourself online. With employers increasingly looking up potential hires on social media, it’s crucial to ensure that your online presence is professional and respectable. 

If you have any embarrassing or unprofessional photos floating around on your social media account, it’s best to delete them. You don’t want prospective employers to get the wrong idea about you before they’ve met you. Remember that once you post something online, it can be challenging to remove it completely. So think twice before hitting “post”!

Create A Resume

Arguably, the most important aspect of the job search is to create a well-written resume. Your resume is a document that outlines your qualifications, experience, and skills. It is important to take the time to create a well-written resume that highlights your strengths and accomplishments. Employers often receive dozens, if not hundreds, of applications for each open position. A well-crafted resume will help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of landing an interview. 

Make sure to proofread your resume carefully before sending it off – errors can be costly in the job search process. Although creating a resume and reviewing it several times may seem daunting, taking the time to do it right will pay off in the long run.

Have Someone Review Your Resume

Your resume is one of the most important documents you will ever create. It is key in helping you land the job you want and launch your career. As such, it is worth taking the time to ensure that your resume is as strong as it can be. 

One way to do this is to have someone else proofread your resume. This can be especially helpful if you are the only one to have seen your resume, as it can be difficult to catch your own mistakes. Another benefit of having someone else proofread your resume is that they may be able to offer suggestions for improvements. 

For example, if you are trying to break into a new field, having someone from that field read your resume can be a great way to get feedback on how well your qualifications match what employers in that field are looking for. In short, taking the time to have someone else proofread your resume is a wise investment that can pay off handsomely in the long run.

Create a LinkedIn

In today’s job market, having a strong online presence is more important than ever. And while there are many social media platforms to choose from, LinkedIn is one of the best networking tools available. With LinkedIn, you can connect with other professionals in your field, learn about new job opportunities, and even get recruiters to come to you. 

Not only that, but LinkedIn is also a great way to build your personal brand and show employers who you are. So if you don’t already have a LinkedIn account, now is the time to create one. It only takes a few minutes to sign up, and it could make all the difference in your career.

LinkedIn also offers a variety of features that make it easy to create a professional profile and stand out from the crowd. For example, LinkedIn allows users to list their skills and experience and receive recommendations from previous employers or colleagues. In addition, LinkedIn offers a variety of groups and forums where professionals can share ideas and resources. As a result, anyone serious about networking should create a profile on LinkedIn.

Create a Cover Letter Template

Crafting a unique cover letter for each job application can be time-consuming. One way to streamline the process is to create a default cover letter template with placeholders for key information such as the company name and contact person. 

After creating a template, you can fill in the relevant details for each application and avoid any last-minute scrambling. In addition, having a template handy will help you quickly respond to any job openings that catch your eye. Ultimately, taking the time to create a cover letter template will pay off in the long run by saving you time and helping you avoid costly mistakes. 

The last thing you want is to accidentally send a cover letter with another company’s name on it, so always check for errors!

cover letter templates

Proofread Everything

No matter how great your qualifications are, a single spelling mistake on your resume or cover letter could be enough to disqualify you from consideration for a job. That’s why it’s always important to proofread anything you send to an employer. 

Reading over your materials helps you catch errors you might otherwise miss, showing that you have the attention to detail that employers value. Additionally, taking the time to proofread demonstrates that you are willing to put in the extra effort to produce high-quality work. 

Before pressing “send,” take a few minutes to proofread everything one last time. It could make all the difference in landing the job of your dreams. 

We suggest using Grammarly to help review your content for spelling errors.

grammarly web doc

Have References Available

A common requirement during the job search process is to provide a list of references. This can often be a source of anxiety for job seekers, but it doesn’t have to be. By taking some time to prepare in advance, you can ensure that you have a list of the best possible professional references available. 

First, reach out to your potential references and make sure they are willing and able to serve as a reference for you. It’s also important to keep your references up-to-date on your current job search status and the positions you seek. That way, they will be better prepared to speak to your skills and qualifications. 

Finally, don’t forget to thank your references after they have spoken on your behalf. A simple phone call or email can go a long way in showing your appreciation. By following these simple tips, you can eliminate the stress of providing references during your job search.

Set Up a Professional Voicemail

If you have a voicemail from when you were in middle school, it is time to change it. While it may be fun to hear your younger self every time you miss a call, having a professional voicemail gives a much better impression. After all, your voicemail is often the first point of contact for potential employers or clients. 

Start by recording your name and a brief greeting to set up a professional voicemail. Then, choose a simple but polite message to play when someone leaves a voicemail. Avoid using long, winded messages or recordings that are hard to understand. Instead, keep it short and to the point. 

By taking the time to create a professional voicemail, you can make sure that your first impression is a good one. For example, you might say something like, “Thanks for calling. You’ve reached Jane Doe. I cannot answer the phone right now, but please leave a message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”

Google Yourself

It’s no secret that employers often Google potential candidates to learn more about them. But what you may not know is that they’re not just looking at your professional profile and social media accounts. They’re also checking out Google Images to see what kind of person you are. 

If the first image that comes up when you Google your name is a photo of you from 3rd grade in goofy glasses, it might be time to hide that photo on your Facebook account.

Have Professional Attire Ready to Wear

It’s always a good idea to keep a professional outfit ready to go in your closet, just in case you get a call for an interview on short notice. If you don’t own a suit, now is the time to invest in one. It’s important to make a good impression on potential employers, and dressing for success is key. When it comes to interviews, first impressions are everything. You want to show that you’re serious about the opportunity and can dress the part. 

A wrinkle-free suit conveys confidence and competence, two qualities that any employer is looking for. So take some time to prepare your closet for success, and you’ll be one step closer to landing your dream job.

attire for interviews

Create an Elevator Pitch

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to have an elevator pitch ready at a moment’s notice. You never know when you’re going to meet someone who could change your life, and you don’t want to miss out on an opportunity because you weren’t prepared. An elevator pitch is a short, concise summary of who you are and what you do. It should be engaging and interesting, and it should make the person want to learn more about you. 

It should be no more than a minute or two, and it should be something that you can easily recall on the spot. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and one of the wealthiest people in the world, is a perfect example of why having an elevator pitch ready is so important. If you bumped into him on the street, would you be able to tell him about your business or idea in a way that would pique his interest? If not, then you might miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 

The key is practicing your elevator pitch repeatedly to ensure it sounds natural and effortless. Always be prepared with an elevator pitch, just in case you run into Jeff Bezos or anyone else who could potentially change your life.

Network with Friends and Family

We live in a time where who you know is often more important than what you know. This is especially true when it comes to finding a job. 

Having a solid network of family and friends can be a great way to meet new people and get your foot in the door of the workforce. Sometimes, a friend or family member may have a connection at a company you are interested in working for and can help you get an interview or even a job. 

Meeting new people through friends and family can also introduce you to other industries you may be interested in pursuing.

Reach Out to People You Went to School With

One of the best ways to find a job is by networking with people you know. If you graduated from college, chances are you know at least 50 people in your field of study. And one of the best ways to connect with those individuals is through LinkedIn. 

LinkedIn is a great platform for networking because it allows you to reach out to individuals in your field and see if their work is hiring. Connecting with people in your industry that you already know is a key step in finding a new career!

Check for Job Openings Daily

Job hunting can be a full-time job in itself. Searching through job boards, sending out resumes, and attending interviews can quickly start to feel like a never-ending cycle. And, if you’re not careful, it’s easy to become burned out. However, one of the worst things you can do is take a break from your job search. 

Companies are always looking for new talent; if you’re not checking for job openings daily, you’re likely to miss out on an opportunity. The best way to avoid this is to set aside time daily to check for new job postings. That way, you can be sure you’re not missing out on any opportunities.

Set Up Job Alerts

If you are currently employed and looking for work, checking for job openings daily may not be possible. If you are currently working, one way to not miss out on job openings without having to spend an hour a day checking for new job postings is to set up job alerts!

Websites like Indeed allow you to input the types of jobs you’re interested in and set up an email notification when companies post jobs that match your criteria. That means you can spend less time combing through job listings and more time applying to the positions you’re interested in. And because you’re notified as soon as a new job is posted, you’re more likely to be one of the first applicants, which gives you a better chance of getting hired.

So if you’re looking for a way to streamline your job search and increase your chances of landing the perfect position, set up some job alerts today, you might just be surprised at how quickly you find the perfect career!

We post our job openings daily on our website, so don’t miss out!

indeed hire

Go Beyond Online Applications

Back 30 years ago, finding someone who found a job through the internet was rare. Instead, people would go to the place of business and apply. You can still do this! 

Applying in-person shows initiative, and I am sure the hiring manager will remember you because no one applies in person anymore. 

Even if the job you are applying for has the option to apply online, still drop off a resume. The manager will be impressed that you took the time to do this extra step. Tell them you are very interested in the position and would love to come in for an interview at their earliest convenience. 

Applying in person also shows that you have great people skills because you had the bravery to talk to someone face-to-face about a job. Eagerness is key when looking for a job, so you are already ahead of the game by applying in person. 

Lastly, when you hand in your resume, dress nicely and professionally. This makes a great first impression and starts your interactions on a positive note. The manager will be more likely to give you an interview if they see that you take pride in your appearance. So don’t be afraid to apply in person for your next job—it just might give you the edge you need!

Practice Interviewing

The old saying goes that practice makes perfect, and this is especially true when it comes to job interviews. Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, but by practicing with a friend or family member, you can reduce the number of mistakes you make and increase your chances of impressing potential employers. In addition to helping you gain confidence, practicing allows you to get feedback on your performance. This can help you identify areas that need improvement before the big day. 

Additionally, practicing will help you become more familiar with the format and structure of an interview, making it easier to focus on your answers. So if you’re serious about landing the job of your dreams, be sure to put in some time on the practice field first!

Achieve Daily Goals

It can be easy to get bogged down in your job search, especially if you are not making any progress. One way to stay motivated and on track is to set goals for yourself each day. 

These goals can be anything from applying to a certain number of jobs to networking with a certain number of people to spending a certain amount of time researching companies. By setting and achieving these daily goals, you’ll be able to see your progress over time and keep yourself moving forward. And as a bonus, accomplishing even just a few job search tips daily will put you closer to landing your dream job!

Some Common Daily Goals

Applying to 10 job openings per day

Spending one hour a day applying to jobs

Practicing interviewing once per week

Improving your skills one hour per day

Connecting with 20 people on LinkedIn per day

Take Online Courses

If you’re having trouble with your job search, going back to school to take courses may not be the worst idea. Continuing your education can make you more attractive to potential employers. You can also use your time in school to gain valuable experience in the field you’re interested in. 

In addition, taking courses can help you network with other professionals who may be able to help you find a job after you graduate. Although it may take some time and effort, returning to school could ultimately help you land the career you’ve been looking for.

Develop Your Skills

What skills do you have that will help you succeed in your industry? If you are a Marketer, are you familiar with SEO, Google Analytics, etc.? If not, take the time to develop more skills!

A great way to test your knowledge is by logging into LinkedIn and taking some skill assessment tests. The LinkedIn Skill Assessments feature is a great way to demonstrate your expertise in the skills you’ve listed on your profile. Completing assessments specific to those skills can show potential employers that you have the knowledge and experience they’re looking for. 

By completing the assessments, you can learn more about the topics and refine your understanding of the material. In addition, the assessments can help you identify gaps in your knowledge so that you can focus on improving those areas.

Work with a Staffing Agency

So many job seekers are under the false impression that staffing agencies are expensive and not worth the investment. In reality, staffing agencies are a free resource for job seekers. That’s right – working with a staffing agency will not cost you a dime. So, why not use a staffing agency to help you on your job search? 

Working with a staffing agency is a great way to find a job. They will work with you to find positions matching your skillset and goals. In addition, they can help you to improve your resume and give you job search tips. And, if you ever have any questions, they will be there to answer them!

Follow Up with Companies You Interview With

Most interviewees forget to reach out to the company after an interview. Sometimes that extra email sent may help them decide to offer you the position over another candidate. It is always a good idea to send a quick thank you note after your interview, reiterating your interest in the role and highlighting key points from your conversation. This shows that you are both polite and eager to secure the job. 

It is also a good opportunity to ask any questions you may have forgotten to ask during the interview. However, don’t go overboard – a short, concise email is all that is needed. The key is to strike the right balance between being pushy and grateful. With a bit of practice, you will be sure to impress potential employers and improve your chances of landing the job.

components of a follow up email

Positive Mindset

Job hunting can be a challenging and discouraging process. It’s easy to get your hopes up after applying to a few jobs, only to be met with silence. But it’s important to remember that the perfect job is out there for you. You just haven’t found it yet. 

Keeping a positive outlook will help you stay motivated as you search for the right opportunity. Instead of dwelling on the rejection, focus on your progress. Every job application brings you one step closer to landing your dream job. So don’t give up – keep up the good work, and eventually, you’ll find the right fit.

Apply to Jobs You Aren't Fully Qualified For

If there is a job opening that you don’t meet all the requirements, still apply. Here is an example of what we are talking about:

Let’s say the job requirements include the following: 2 years of previous work experience, experience in a fast-paced environment, strong attention to detail, a Bachelor’s Degree, proficiency in QuickBooks and Microsoft Office, and experience with working in a call center.

Most of the time, these requirements aren’t held to the highest of standards. If you fit 75% of the requirements, then still apply. 

If you had all these requirements except for experience in a call center, still apply! Companies are willing to overlook some requirements if you fit the majority of the other requirements. That said, if a job requires eight years of experience and you only have 1-2, I would hold off applying because that would be a waste of your time and theirs.

Consider Temporary Work

If you’re having trouble finding a job, temp work may be a good option to fill in gaps on your resume. Temp work is work for a specific period of time, which will help you build your resume and experience. You can find temp work at a staffing agency near you. 

Staffing agencies can help you find work in various industries, and they often have short-term or project-based positions. This type of work can be a great way to gain experience in your field and help you make connections that may lead to full-time employment. So if you’re struggling to find a job, don’t give up—temp work may be the answer.


Volunteering can help build your resume immensely. Non-profits will post their volunteer opportunities online, hoping someone in that field will help them. 

If you are a graphic designer, there are many volunteer opportunities to design brochures or other marketing materials for non-profits. They usually accept all the help they can get, so if you are having trouble and want to build your resume, start volunteering your skills!

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