Client Newsletter June 2023

How difficult has it been to find qualified candidates for your job openings?

Please Select a Number from 1 - 10.

As a leading staffing agency in Providence, RI, we understand how difficult it can be to find qualified candidates to fill your job openings. Please rank how difficult it has been to find qualified candidates for your job openings in the survey above.

We will share the results of the survey on our LinkedIn Page.

Poll 1

Poll: How often do you include salary information in your job postings?

We recently asked our LinkedIn followers how often they include salary information in their job postings, and surprisingly, only 45% answered always or most of the time.

91% of job seekers are more inclined to apply for a position if the job posting includes the salary range. If you are struggling to fill your company’s job openings, you may want to consider providing salary information in your job postings.

Talent Search

We are thrilled to introduce our new Talent Search on our website! Our Talent Search features a comprehensive breakdown of our top talent, including their required salary, years of experience, current location, and preferred work environment.

Here are some of the candidates featured on our new Talent Search page:

HR Manager

Candidate #114407202

HR Coordinator

Customer Service Rep

Candidate #116745000

Customer Service Rep.

Project Manager

Candidate #114434158

Project Manager

To view all candidates featured on our Talent Search, click the link below!

Free Personality Quiz

Taking a free personality quiz is an excellent way to learn more about oneself. This assessment uses four categories to categorize takers, including introversion or extraversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving.

Take this free personality quiz to better understand your behavioral tendencies, decision-making processes, and overall personality traits.

Lauren Hall of Fame

June: Hall Of Fame Candidate

We are thrilled to announce that Lauren has been named our Hall of Fame for June! 

Lauren’s journey with us began when she was referred to our agency by a colleague of hers. Initially hired for a short-term assignment, Lauren’s remarkable performance and work ethic impressed her current employer, which resulted in an extension of her assignment, which she is still working on today.

Lauren’s exceptional communication skills have proven invaluable in her role, and she consistently goes above and beyond to support her coworkers.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Lauren for her outstanding contributions to City Personnel and congratulate her once again for achieving this well-deserved recognition.

City Personnel | 235 Promenade Street, Suite 401Providence, RI 02908

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We Need Your Support!

According to a 2021 study by U by Kotex, two in five people have struggled to purchase period products—a 35% increase from 2018. Period poverty disrupts everything from school attendance to the ability to work, forcing many to choose between paying for food or period products. 

We believe that no one should have to face such difficult choices. That’s why we’re reaching out to ask for your support. Please consider donating period products through our Amazon Wishlist to support this cause. 

In partnership with Leadership Rhode Island and Amenity Aid.

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