8 Quick Fixes That Will Skyrocket Your Job Ad’s Apply Rate

skyrocket your job ad's apply rate

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Are you looking to fill a position quickly? Are your current job ads not getting the apply rate that you want?

Your job openings’ apply rate is one of the most important recruitment metrics. It is great when 1,000 candidates see your job posting, but if only 1% apply, you are missing out on the other 99%.

In 2022, the average conversion rate of job posting views to applications is between 7% and 10%, which is a great conversion rate. However, wouldn’t it be better if you were converting 10% to 20% of views to applications? If so, then keep reading! In this blog post, we will discuss 8 easy ways to skyrocket your job ad’s apply rate. By following these tips, you will find the perfect candidate for your open position in no time!

Shorten Your Job Titles

Stop overcomplicating your job titles. Instead of naming your open role as an Associate to the Executive Manager of Marketeering and Conservation Efforts, write Marketing Assistant.

In today’s job market, many employers find that their job titles are too long. Not only does this make it difficult for job seekers to find the right position, but it also makes it challenging for employers to stand out in a crowded market. The solution is simple: shorter, more concise job titles.

By using 1-3 words, employers can make their postings more visible and easier to find. At the same time, shorter titles are less likely to be cut off by search engines, ensuring that job seekers will see the full title. Also, shorter titles are easier to share on social media and other platforms.

Consider shortened titles if you want to make your job postings more visible and accessible. It’s a small change that will skyrocket your job ad’s apply rate.

Edit Your Requirements

In today’s job market, many women feel like they need to be 100% qualified in order to apply for a position. This can lead to many great candidates self-selecting out of the pool. On the other hand, men are more likely to apply even if they only meet 60% of the qualifications. As a result, employers may be missing out on some great talent.

One way to address this issue is to be more clear about what the requirements are for a given position. If a requirement is truly a must-have, then make that clear in the job ad. However, if it is only a nice-to-have, then soften the language to reflect that. By clarifying what is required, employers can encourage more qualified women to apply for open positions.

Shorten The Job Description

As the job market continues to evolve, so too must the way that employers craft job postings. In the past, lengthy descriptions were seen as a way to give potential applicants a comprehensive overview of the position and its duties. However, recent studies have shown that shorter postings are actually more effective in attracting candidates. This is because people have shorter attention spans and are more likely to skim longer texts.

For this reason, it is advisable to keep most job postings between 275 and 675 words. This will give applicants enough information to assess their suitability for the role without overwhelming them. Of course, there will always be exceptions to this rule, but in general, shorter is better when it comes to job postings.

Work on Your Company Reviews

As any job seeker knows, the internet has made it easier to research potential employers. Sites like Glassdoor provide an insider’s view of what it’s like to work for a particular company, and this information can be invaluable when making decisions about where to apply.

A recent study by Glassdoor and Appcast found that job ads with a rating of 4 to 5 saw a 39.5% better apply rate than those with a rating of 2 to 3. This indicates that more and more job seekers are taking the time to research companies before applying and are increasingly interested in working for companies with high Glassdoor ratings.

As a result, if your company has a good Glassdoor rating, include it in every job description. This will help you attract top talent and skyrocket your job ad’s apply rate.

Other places potential candidates will use to research your company include Yelp, Google Reviews, ClearlyRated, and Indeed Reviews.

Include Salary Information

A recent study shows that salary info is the first thing candidates look at in a job ad. To attract top talent, you must ensure that your salary information is included in your job posting. There are a few different ways to do this. You can include a specific salary amount, range, or a third-party salary estimate. Whichever method you choose, ensure that you include accurate and up-to-date information.

Candidates will not waste time applying for a position if they feel they are not being offered a competitive salary. By including salary information in your job posting, you will be able to attract the best candidates for the job.

Shorten Your Application Process

With the job market as competitive as it is, it’s no wonder many applicants give up on long job applications before submitting their materials.

One way to combat this problem is to shorten your application process. Instead of asking for detailed work history, consider having them simply submit their resume. By making it easier for applicants to apply, you’ll increase the chances of receiving more qualified candidates. In addition, you may also find that you save yourself some time in the long run – after all, wading through a stack of lengthy applications is hardly an efficient use of your time.

So if you’re looking to improve your hiring process, consider streamlining your application process. It just might be the solution you’ve been searching for.

Our application process at City Personnel takes no more than five minutes. We know all your information is already on your resume, so we only ask for your resume and contact information!

Include Company Benefits

One of the best ways to make your company stand out to potential employees is by listing the benefits of working there. A recent study found that nearly half of all companies do not include a benefits section in their job ads, even though doing so can significantly increase the apply rate.

Listing at least four benefits is the most effective in getting applicants, so be sure to mention things like competitive salaries, comprehensive health insurance, and generous vacation time.

apply rates

Other perks like flexible schedules, on-site childcare, and tuition reimbursement can also attract prospective employees. By highlighting the advantages of working for your company, you can bring in top talent and ensure that your business is booming for years to come.

Avoid Exclusionary Words

As an employer, you must be aware of the words you use in job postings. Some words or phrases can be considered offensive, and using them can lower the number of candidates with a favorable view of your company.

For example, gender bias words such as “guys” or “salesman” can discourage women from applying for a position. Similarly, phrases about people with disabilities can discourage those with disabilities from applying. By avoiding these words and phrases, you can make your job postings more inclusive and improve your quality of hire.

Skyrocket Your Job Ad's Apply Rate!

Following these tips will make you the perfect candidate for your open position in no time! If you are still struggling to fill your position, contact us today! Our team of recruitment experts will help you craft the perfect job ad that converts views into applications.

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