Benefits of a Staffing Agency for Employers
Finding the perfect candidate is stressful. Especially in this job market, candidates hold all the power. In the last couple of months, we have seen a significant decrease in applications for job openings on Indeed, LinkedIn, CareerBuilder, and other job search platforms.
We have heard stories from our clients that their job openings aren’t receiving any applications. Before COVID, jobs on Indeed were averaging around 250 applications. Today, job openings receive as little as 1 or 2 applications per week.
We understand the difficulty of filling job openings. That is why, in the last year, we have developed new ways of sourcing candidates for the benefit of our clients. As a staffing agency, we have a lot to offer to employers, and many companies know this. In fact, more than 90% of companies in the U.S. use some type of staffing agency. With many myths about staffing agencies out there, it is time for you to understand the importance of working with a staffing agency. Here are three benefits of a staffing agency for employers.
Finding the Right Candidate Without Wasting Time and Resources
Since 2020, some industries have seen as much as a 45% decrease in job applications for their job openings. Unfortunately, even before the decline in applications, many applicants did not have the proper requirements for the position. Now, companies have seen as few as one qualified applicant submit their resume per week and a significant increase in cost to have their job openings posted online.
Would you want to spend five to ten hours a day sifting through resumes you received, reaching out to qualified candidates, and sourcing candidates on LinkedIn for one of your job openings? If you don’t have the time or resources to spend hundreds of dollars on job ads on Indeed, staffing agencies can help!
Would you rather be spending your time sifting through resumes or developing and growing your business?
As a staffing agency, it is our business to help grow your business. We spend our time sourcing candidates, paying job boards to list your jobs, and much more. Don’t waste your time finding great candidates when you can spend your time on more crucial aspects of your business.
Staffing agencies are being more utilized now than ever before due to the current job market. We have millions of job openings in America but a shortage of qualified candidates. Before COVID, it was easy to fill job openings. Companies would only have to post their jobs on Indeed or LinkedIn and wait minutes before resumes start flowing in.
Nowadays, if companies only relied on job boards for finding applicants, they would quickly realize that a lot has changed since a few years ago. Companies now are almost required to source their candidates to fill their job openings. Sourcing will require more resources and time than you probably have, which is why many companies choose to work with a staffing agency. There are many benefits of a staffing agency for employers, but saving you time and money is the number one reason clients use our services. We are also a great resource for you if you have questions about competitive salaries, job descriptions, and much more!
Supplying Employees Immediately
From January 2020 to April 2020, over 20 million jobs were lost due to COVID. As you know, many companies had to lay off employees during this time because the world ‘stood still.’ However, not all companies were unlucky.

Companies like Amazon saw a 37% increase in annual revenue in 2020, which forced Amazon to add over 500,000 workers worldwide to their team. Other companies like CVS and Stop and Shop also saw a significant increase in sales, which caused them to hire thousands of new employees to keep up with their demand.
When companies are in their “busy season” or see a significant increase in business, they turn to staffing agencies to help them employ workers immediately. Regularly, urgent job openings like these can take weeks to fill because companies have to screen candidates, conduct interviews, check references, and more. However, when working with a staffing agency, we have a talent pool of thousands of candidates already screened and vetted, ready to start working within the week.
If you are looking to fill a position ASAP and do not have time for sourcing, checking references, and background checks, using a staffing agency may be the best for you.
Temp-to-Hire Benefit
The last one of the benefits of a staffing agency for employers is the temp-to-perm benefit. A temp-to-perm (also known as temp-to-hire) position is where an employer wants and needs a full-time employee but wants an employee to have a trial period to make sure they are the right fit. With a temp-to-perm position, an employer can decide at any time to hire the employee full-time or choose to let an employee go if they do not meet their expectations.
Temp-to-perm is our most popular position because it protects a company from wrongful termination and unemployment costs for employees who are not converted to permanent. If you are familiar with our agency, you know that the most popular job type that clients seek our help for are temp-to-perm positions.
Now that we answered the question, “What are the benefits of a staffing agency for employers,” you may now be looking to work with a staffing agency in your area. Look no further. If you are looking for a staffing agency that works with companies in R.I. and M.A., we are here for you!
If interested, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today! With over ten years of experience, City Personnel can give companies an inside look at what potential hires genuinely want. We get to know who you are and what you are looking for before anything.
Are you looking for talent?