Congratulations! Either you are a recent college graduate, going to be a graduate, or know someone going to be a college graduate soon if you clicked on this article. College graduation is a huge milestone that you should be proud of! If you are a recent college graduate, you must know the stress after graduation to find a job. In fact, more than half of recent college graduates are unemployed or underemployed.
Don’t stress. Finding work during this time is tougher than ever, but some resources are accessible to you for free, such as a staffing agency. A staffing agency may be the best place to start your career because they can help build your resume, find you work in multiple industries, and much more. There are many reasons why college graduates should use a staffing agency after school, and we will discuss them!
Building A Stronger Resume
If you are on social media a lot, I am sure you have come across many employment memes. Many companies require some experience before working within their company, but how do you get a job that requires experience with no experience? That is exactly why these memes have become so popular.
Do you have experience in your field? If not, the best thing you can do use a staffing agency or temp agency to start your career…

According to Forbes, more than 60% of companies look for recent college graduates that have completed at least two internships. Have you completed an internship? If you haven’t, you are not alone. However, you are 16% less likely to receive a job offer out of college if you did not have one. Most employers look for experience from recent graduates, meaning if you don’t have internship experience, you are less likely to find a job. However, we can help!
Staffing agencies are a free resource for job seekers. Not only do we help find you jobs, but we help you create a professional resume. If you lack experience, we have several temporary and temp-to-perm positions available that will be great resume boosters! If you need help with gaining experience, use a staffing agency to start your career.
Test Out Jobs & Industries
We are usually 18 years old when we have to decide what our future career will be. How stressful is that? Graduates often start working at a position that they do not enjoy and feel stuck at it and move on within a year. However, with a staffing agency, you will be able to “test-drive” different positions without worrying.
After graduation, it is common not to know what type of job you want in your field. An example of this is a Marketing major could either become a Customer Service Rep, Recruiter, SEO Specialist, Digital Marketer, or another role, which are all completely different.
By working with a staffing agency, you open your job choices to a range of companies, positions, industries, and areas. After trying out these different jobs, you will find the environment that you can thrive in. If you are unsure what you want to do for work, use a staffing agency to start your career.
Also, when working with a staffing agency, there is no need to feel bad saying no. Agencies understand some positions may not be something for you, so if you get to the job and it isn’t for you, it is easier to talk to your recruiter and go over the next steps!
If you are quiet or more reserved, you may feel awkward or uneasy about saying no to an interview offer, but with a staffing agency, you will save yourself from writing those awkward emails. Staffing agencies understand and will deliver the message to the client company for you.
Possibility of Getting a Full-Time Job Offer
80% of our temp-to-perm jobs turn into permanent roles. When you work with us, there is a high chance you will receive a full-time job offer after your assignment is over. If you cannot find work because of your experience, your best option will be working with a staffing agency.
Also, sometimes temporary positions become permanent. With temporary jobs, you get to meet new people, work within the industry, and possibly get a full-time job offer! Other benefits to using a staffing agency to start your career include selecting from a variety of positions, networking, learning about certain companies, getting a foot in the door, and many more. To learn more, check out our article on What is Temp-to-Perm?
For these three reasons alone, you need to use a staffing agency to start your career. If you are looking for a staffing agency in Providence, RI area, we can help!
Overall, don’t be stressed if you are a recent graduate. Staffing agencies can help with your job search. Yes, finding a job is time-consuming and stressful. However, a staffing agency will take half that away.
Staffing agencies find the job for you, help you with your resume/ interview skills, and much more. Whether you are not getting a call back for a job or not finding the right jobs online, staffing agencies will be able to get you in the right position for success.
Why You Should Use a Staffing Agency to Start Your Career
More often than not, hiring managers want a candidate who will need minimum training, as training takes up valuable company time and money. This is something that not a lot of graduates realize when they’re fresh out college.
So how do you defeat the old “Catch 22”, where you can’t get a job because you lack experience, but you need a job to gain experience? You do this by being street smart and starting small. Start at a modest company or office who’s looking for someone to fill minor roles. Maybe it’s an administrative or reception position or even a call center. Though these jobs are by no means glamorous, they give you excellent necessary basic skills (also known as “soft skills”) that employers will look for later on down the road.
Your dream job is not going to be waiting right outside for you as soon as you graduate.
In fact, your dream job has been thrown onto the roof of a building, and your only hope to retrieving it is to fashion a ladder made out of the basic skills you’ve acquired through various positions. You will need to work your way up from the bottom. As disheartening as this sounds, it’s not something to be ashamed or scared of.
Instead, view everything as a learning experience. Where you start will not always be where you end up. View every opportunity as another step on your dream career ladder. Every job you take will have something valuable to take away, whether it’s learning how to file documents properly or how to deal with a disgruntled customer appropriately.
Be hungry for the opportunities. Meet new people and create new connections. You will never succeed if you don’t try, and you will never grow your career if you refuse to plant and water it. With the pressure, many young adults feel to be successful right away, remember that anything worth having won’t be easy, and it will take a lot of time. But that is alright because even the world’s largest names had to start somewhere.

I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks for the clear explanation!